

Piktochart can be used to create digital stories, presentations, and infographics.


  1. Visit piktochart.com to access the program and sign up for a free account.
  2. Click on Create New and choose from the templates given, or start from scratch by clicking the Custom Sizes tab.
  3. From here, you can add pictures, text, and design elements to your Piktochart by using the features on the left-hand navigation menu .
  4. When you are finished, save your Piktochart by clicking Download (we suggest you save it as a PNG image file). You can also share your creation by hitting the Share button; this will give you the option to share a link with others instead of downloading your creation to your computer.

See Also

Watch the first half of this tutorial (until 6:14) to learn how to use Piktochart.

Need help? Contact Instructional Technology.

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Article ID: 134969
Wed 10/20/21 1:02 PM
Mon 5/1/23 11:40 AM

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