Department Printer setup (Mac Computers)


The following instructions detail how to setup access to a departmental printer on an Apple/Mac computer.


  • Go to "Go" at the top of the screen. 
    • If "Go" is not listed, click on the desktop to take focus away from the active program until "Go" appears.
  • Select "Connect to server"
  • Type in "smb://ursinus.local/ucdrives" and click "connect"
  • Select "Share"
  • Select "Information Technology"
  • Select "Software"
  • Select "tech support - ftp"
  • Select "MAC printer setup"
  • Run "hp-printer-essentials-UniPS-6_0_0_6.pkg
  • Finish installation


  • Go to system Settings
  • Go to "Printers & Scanners"
  • Select "Add Printer, Scanner or Fax"
  • Hold down "control" key and click in the blank space next to the buttons
  • Select "customize toolbar"
  • Drag "advanced" into the blank space next to the buttons on the "add printer" window and click "done"
  • Click the "advanced" button
  • Under "Type" select "Windows Printer via spoolss"
  • Leave "Device" as is
  • For URL you will need to use smb://zack/[SHARE NAME from list below]
    • Please note, the share name MUST be typed as it appears in the list. For instance, the Academic Affairs printer would be mapped as "smb://zack/AcademicAffairs"
  • Change the "name" field to be the name of the printer you are installing (default will be "zack").
  • Leave "location" blank
  • Under "use", choose "Select Software".
    • In the search that pops up, search for the model of the desired printer. For instance, for Academic Affairs, you would search for e77650
  • Click "add"
  • On the pop-up that follows, leave all options as default and select "ok".
Printer Name Share Name Model
Academic Affairs AcademicAffairs E77650
Admissions 1st Floor admissions1stfloor E77650
Advancement 2nd Floor Advancement2ndFloor E77650
Advancement Ground Floor AdvancementGround E77650
Advancement VP Office AdvancementVP E58650
Anthropology and Sociology AnthroSoc E58650
Athletics Athletics E77650
Berman Museum BermanMuseum E77650
Biology Biology E77650
Business Office BusinessOffice E77650
Campus Safety CampusSafety E58650
Career Services CareerServices E58650
Chemistry Pfahler 303 Chem303 E58650
Chemistry Pfahler 313 Chem313 E58650
College Communications CollegeCommunications E77650
Dining Services DiningServices E77650
Division of Inclusion and Equity DICE E58650
Economics and Business Administration ECBA E77650
Education Education E58650
Enrollment enrollment E77650
Enterprise Information EnterpriseInfo E58650
Environmental Studies Environmental E58650
Facilities Facilities E77650
Finance and Administration Finance E77650
Health Exercise Physiology HEP E77650
History and English HistEng E77650
Hive Hive E67650
Human Resources HumanResources E77650
Institute for Inclusion and Equity IIE E58650
Institute for Student Success InstStudentSuccess E77650
Library Library E58650
Math/Physics MathPhysics E77650
MCS & Art MCSArt E77650
Modern Languages ModernLang E77650
Music Music E58650
Pfahler 203 Pfahler203 E77650
Politics Politics E77650
Psychology Psychology E77650
Registar's Office Registrar E77650
Sports Medicine Clinic SMC E58650
Student Affairs StudentAffairs E58650
Student Financial Services StudentFinance E77650
Theater and Dance TheaterDance E77650
Wellness Center Wellness E58650
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Article ID: 162076
Mon 5/13/24 1:35 PM
Tue 5/21/24 2:07 PM