Add money to BearBucks


This article will teach you how to add money to your Bear Bucks account as well as allow others to add money to your account.


Adding Money to a Bear Bucks account:

1. Visit the Bear Bucks portal - 

2.  Choose "Student & Staff Login" to add money to your own account or "Parent/Guest Login" to add money to someone else's account who has granted you access (see details below).


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**Students and Staff will be prompted to authenticate through Okta, if not already connected**


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2. Once signed in, click the link on the lefthand side menu labeled ‘Make A Bear Bucks Deposit'


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

3. Complete all fields on the subsequent page and select "Continue to Payment" to enter your credit card information.


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



Allowing others to add money to your Bear Bucks account:

1. From the main Bear Bucks portal, click the link on the lefthand side menu labeled ‘Grant additional access'


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2.  On the subsequent page, click the 'Add' button


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3.  Enter up to 10 email addresses and choose the access you want to grant to your friend/relative, then click the 'Add' button.


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


4.  The person/people you entered will receive an email with login information and directions.


Guest access can be removed by clicking the Delete button

See Also

.’Parkhurst Dining At Ursinus College