Canvas Course Creation

What Is It?

You can request a Canvas course be created for anything that isn’t normally scheduled through the Registrar. For example, you can request a course be created for your advisees, lab assistants, departments, etc.

Who Is the Primary Audience?

Faculty and Staff

Where Can I Get It?

Click on Request Service and fill out the form. Instructional Technology will contact you via email when the course is created. Once the course is created, you will receive an invitation via email and see a message at the top of your Canvas dashboard inviting you to join the course. Accept the invite and you will then have the ability to create content within the course.

How Do I Use It?

When you are requesting the course be created, please also include the users who should be added to the course and what roles they should be assigned. Here are the roles you can request:

  • Teacher+: Has the ability to add, edit, and delete content, view and post grades, and add users (This is normally the permission given to the individual who has requested the course be created).
  • Teacher: Has the same permissions as the Teacher role, with the exception of adding users as students. 
  • TA: Has the same permissions as the Teacher role, with the exception of adding and deleting users.
  • Designer: Has the same permissions as the Teacher role, with the exceptions of adding and deleting users and being able to view and edit grades.
  • Students: Can participate in the course and can only see their own grades. 
  • Observer: Can view and download content but not participate in the course. Can not see any grades unless you request that they have the option of observing a particular student.
  • Observer+: Has the same permissions as the Observer role with the addition of being able to access the course before it's published. 

Is There A Cost?


For more information, please see Related Articles section to your right.


Request Service

Related Articles (2)

Learn how to use Canvas, our learning management system.