My Recently Visited Services

Allows Faculty and Staff to request on a students behalf an extension for access to their personal ursinus email (typically when leaving).

This service allows you to visit the Library, approach the “Learning Curve” front desk, and request assistance with IT issues or queries.

Get help designing and setting up your Canvas courses.

You can use PlagScan to evaluate your students' work and ensure they are not plagiarizing.

Faculty and staff can request that a Canvas course be created for them.

This service allows for access to Virtual Meeting applications and devices while on and off Ursinus College's campus.

Faculty can request to combine course sections into one course for a given semester.

You can use digital curation tools to showcase archival and scholarly works and create digital exhibits.

Panopto is a lecture capture and video hosting platform.

Survey software that supports important feedback such as course evaluations

Printer access, questions and problems. Faculty and staff departmental printers, student campus pay for print printers, and poster printing.

Departmental printing questions and issues, and Papercut print management requests.

Electrical outlet on wall/floor not operational

Cable television service is provided in all dorms and residence hall rooms both on and off the main campus, as well as in some office, academic and public locations. This is a publicly viewable service.

Campus community members can request additions to the library’s collections. This includes books, DVDs, e-books, audiobooks, streaming films, databases and other resources.

Get help designing your courses.

Small event, tabling event, information tables only

Transport of gas cylinders to and from Receiving for science lab equipment

Gain help and advice on how to incorporate instructional technology and digital projects in the classroom.

Report general problems, questions, request training, and general Oracle related technical support for everyone on Ursinus College's campus.

Hang items/pictures in office or other area

This service is available to assist Ursinus College members with all device hardware and software needs.