Teaching and Learning Services

Instructional Technology

Categories (4)


All things Canvas

Information Literacy Assistance

Information literacy at Ursinus College is based on our belief that to remain viable in the modern world, the traditional notion of a liberally educated person must be linked to changing information technology and contemporary information sources. We think of information literacy more as a “state of mind” or “way of being” centered on a set of intellectual dispositions like healthy skepticism and creative curiosity that lead to disciplined and analytical inquiry and culminate in good judgment about thoughtfully marshaled information. Librarians work with faculty and staff to create engaging assignments and activities, present workshops to students in their classes, and meet individually with students doing research.

Services (12)

Acquisitions (Books, eBooks, DVDs, films, journals, databases)

Campus community members can request additions to the library’s collections. This includes books, DVDs, e-books, audiobooks, streaming films, databases and other resources.

AV Equipment Support and Training

The Information Technology department can assist with the use of AV Equipment, and provide special assistance and training on the different AV systems on campus.

Canvas Course Combine

Faculty can request to combine course sections into one course for a given semester.

Canvas Course Creation

Faculty and staff can request that a Canvas course be created for them.

Canvas Questions

Get help designing and setting up your Canvas courses.

Canvas User Request

Faculty can request that a user be added to a Canvas course.

Institutional Repository (Digital Commons)

DigitalCommons@Ursinus is the institutional repository of Ursinus College.

Microsoft Office 365

For assistance with Office 365 applications including Outlook, Word, Excel, etc.

Open Access & Open Educational Resources

Open Access materials, including Open Educational Resources, are increasingly important to the scholarly conversation as the publishing world continues to evolve and change. Myrin Library supports the Open Access movement and provides guidance to the highest quality resources available.

Portable AV Equipment Loans

Many classrooms have equipment permanently installed.  Please check with Tech Support if you have any questions about the Audio/Visual equipment available in a certain classroom.

Research and Instructional Consultations

Librarians are available for individual and small group research consultations and to teach in-class library research workshops, in all subject areas and disciplines. Librarians work directly with students and faculty to discuss research projects and papers in detail and explore the many resources that are available through the library’s website for finding the best, most relevant materials.

Virtual Conferencing

This service allows for access to Virtual Meeting applications and devices while on and off Ursinus College's campus.