Popular Services
For Faculty and Staff requests for access to an email mailbox.
This service allows for connecting any device (laptop, phone, TV, etc) to the wireless network while on Ursinus College's campus.
This service is a way to report a general issue and submit a ticket to the Facilities Service Desk when you are unsure of the nature of the issue.
This service is available to assist Ursinus College members with all device hardware and software needs.
The Technology Support Center provides poster printing services for students and faculty for academic purposes. The printer produces high-quality, large-format color printing. The average poster size used for campus presentations is 30 inches by 40 inches, but other sizes can be printed. Posters are limited to a maximum width of 42 inches. Maximum length can vary so please contact us if you need assistance or have any questions. This is a publicly viewable service.
This service will allow you to put in questions, update requests, request access, or functionality requests for this service portal.
Departmental printing questions and issues, and Papercut print management requests.
Questions about and requests for computer upgrades. This is not for reporting issues with your computer.
For assistance with Office 365 applications including Outlook, Word, Excel, etc.
This service is a way to report a general mechanical issue not listed and submit a ticket to the Facilities Service Desk.
Request for cleaning issues, paper towel & toilet paper supplies, trash and other miscellaneous items.
Small event, tabling event, information tables only
This service is a way to report a general events/moves issue not listed and submit a ticket to the Facilities Service Desk.
Run electric wire for outlet or other electrical device
Run data wire
Run phone wire
Questions regarding departmental purchase of technology related hardware and software that is not provided by IT.