Computers, Mobile Devices
Desk Phones
Related Software

Categories (3)

Mobile Devices

Cell phones and tablets


Laptops and Desktops


Office and Desk Phones

Services (5)

Phone Support

This service allows for access to telephone services, applications and devices while on and off Ursinus College's campus

Virtual Conferencing

This service allows for access to Virtual Meeting applications and devices while on and off Ursinus College's campus.


This service allows for assistance with Voicemail related issues

Device Assistance (BYOD and Ursinus Provided)

This service is available to assist Ursinus College members with all device hardware and software needs.

Technology Purchasing

If you have any questions regarding purchasing technology related hardware and software, please start your request by contacting Tech Support.  We can help with questions and, if necessary, assist with quotes for purchasing the proper equipment, or direct you as to how to proceed.