Information Literacy Assistance

Information literacy at Ursinus College is based on our belief that to remain viable in the modern world, the traditional notion of a liberally educated person must be linked to changing information technology and contemporary information sources. We think of information literacy more as a “state of mind” or “way of being” centered on a set of intellectual dispositions like healthy skepticism and creative curiosity that lead to disciplined and analytical inquiry and culminate in good judgment about thoughtfully marshaled information. Librarians work with faculty and staff to create engaging assignments and activities, present workshops to students in their classes, and meet individually with students doing research.

Services (3)

Contact Your Library Liaison: Library Workshops & More

Library liaisons work with faculty and staff to integrate information literacy into courses and other academic programs in an appropriate way. Your library liaison will work with you to design and run a library workshop, make an online LibGuide for your students to use throughout the semester, create an assignment that integrates library resources, record a video tutorial tailored to your course, help to assess your students' research knowledge and more.

Information Literacy Resources

The library has or can create Information Literacy resources in various formats to include in your courses.

Research and Instructional Consultations

Librarians are available for individual and small group research consultations and to teach in-class library research workshops, in all subject areas and disciplines. Librarians work directly with students and faculty to discuss research projects and papers in detail and explore the many resources that are available through the library’s website for finding the best, most relevant materials.